By now you know that coffee tastes best when it is freshly roasted and of highest quality from a specialty coffee roaster. But there are several more factors affecting your cup besides that. The most important one might be how you brew your coffee!
No other brewing method is more exact than if you do it by hand. And we think there is no better hand brewing equipment company than Japanese Hario. You simply cannot compete with a Hario hand brewing method.
Working at Avalanche Studios, you have been with us for several month now. We wish nothing else, than for you to continue having great mornings with our great coffee. If you sign up for a 1 year subscription, we therefore include a Hario V60 hand brewing kit in your order. You continue getting a monthly coffee delivery in your mail, while at the same time you are able to brew an even more amazing coffee.
After 1 year (12 sendouts) this subscription automatically ends.
The Hario V60 hand brewing kit will be sent to your local DHL ServicePoint within 1 working day. Same goes with the Coffeeletter. It will be in your private mailbox shortly.
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